This work is a collection of fucking sick scores that you can perform.

In 2015, the UN created the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including 17 Sustainable Development Goals that set out to tackle the global challenges we face.

I became aware of these goals whilst volunteering in Nigeria (classic gap year vibes I know) through the International Citizenship Service. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals set out what our shitty government needs to do by 2030 to make a more sustainable world. If governments, businesses, artists and people work together, we can build a better, fairer and more sustainable world than the shit show we’re currently subjected to.

I have spent the past 4 years creating art that raises awareness and highlights just how critical it is that we commit to the delivery of the SDGs. This project, inspired by Jackson Mac Low’s sick as fuck Social Action Projects is made up of scores you can perform to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As musicians we have an opportunity and a responsibility to play our part in contributing to these goals, put down whatever boring piece of shit you’re practising, pick a score and make it work.

How to navigate the work(s)

Each work is a response to 1 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and follows the same structure:

Name of Sustainable Development Goal

Summary of the SDG from the UN’s website.


My realisation of the score, as an example. This is just one way, find your own fucking way.
