Gender equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Make a gender equal concert/concert series.
Women were writing music even before the medieval period. Why then, over 1000 years later, do we still see programmes without any female composers, let alone any gender equal concerts? Why the fuck are we starving ourselves? Why the fuck are we starving our concert halls? Why the fuck are we starving our audiences? Most importantly why the fuck are we starving talented female and non-binary composers by not programming their works? It doesn’t make any fucking sense. Achieving gender equality in the music industry goes beyond simply programming more work by non male composers, we need to fuck the pay gap, we need to improve pathways into composition, improve education around female and non-binary composers throughout history, it’s fucking full of them you just need to open your fucking eyes to see that. I reject the argument that they’re just not as good or groundbreaking as their male contemporaries because Mozart sucks ass anyway.