Good health and well-being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Organise an exercise class for performers that are mostly stationary.

Picture this: it’s 6am, you’re lying in a sleeping bag, cushioning you against a hard unforgiving wooden floor - that you built, with 15 other young people, in a school you’re still building, in Costa Rica. Someone’s alarm goes off, they get up, stretch and go outside to run their daily HIIT class. I’d never even heard of what a HIIT class was and I have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do so I’d always considered myself fit. Not like gym lad fit, but not unfit yaknow? After some persuasion I joined in the daily HIIT classes and it was weirdly enjoyable. It made me think about how most musicians practice scales daily, it’s like brushing your teeth - no one particularly enjoys it (you’d be weird to) but you know you have to do it, otherwise you’ll get told off. If you’re a stationary performer why not build in some kind of movement based exercise into your practice?


Zero hunger


Quality education