Zero hunger

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

Find a way to remove western-centric viewpoint from an existing piece of art.

I hate Band Aid. More specifically I hate ‘Do They Know it’s Christmas?’ of course ‘they’ know it’s Christmas you ignorant fuck. The original song is filled to the brim with patronising stereotypes about the whole continent of Africa, a large proportion of which is Christian and do in fact very much know if and when it’s Christmas time. The song is removed of any true representation of Africa, in the song lyrics claiming “the greatest gift they’ll get this year is life” that Africa is devoid of rivers, a desolate continent “no rain or rivers flow”. Maybe Bob Geldof thought it would sell more copies, or even make him feel better about himself if all the lyrics rhymed - who knows? Anyway I’m removing the western-centric white saviour mentality Geldof infused into the song by replacing his shitty problematic lyrics with facts, outlined by the UN on the global problem of hunger. 


No poverty


Good health and well-being