No poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Fight to eradicate poverty porn.
This was by far one of the hardest goals to make a response to. If we eradicated poverty, which we totally fucking could - just tax billionaires more fairly, we would make huge strides in tackling all of the other goals too. I have to acknowledge I am privileged enough to be sat here at the time I wrote this, with a belly full of junk food, listening to music streamed from a new(ish) phone on a nice new(ish) speaker, typing about how privileged I am, on a not so new(ish) computer, in a nice warm house. The world is full of people without any of those privileges. The world is also full of people that can change that but chose not too. The world is also full of people that are using this fucked up situation to benefit themselves, we get bombarded with celebrities flying out to a part of the developing world, farming footage of underprivileged children, slamming on some really sad music and begging for your money to save their lives. It’s fucking disgusting that we allow music to be used like some fucking tool in poverty porn. It’s so wrong that we allow our art form to enable this toxic practice. Charity shouldn’t fucking exist. We should be doing everything we can as musicians to call out poverty porn and do everything we can to change the narrative, produce art that accurately depicts people in developing countries - countries we probably fucking colonised at some point. As musicians we have to recognise poverty porn for what it is, fucking disgusting.