Partnerships for the goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development.

Create new responses to the sustainable development goals.

Congratulations for making it this far through the work, unless you just skipped to the end you cheeky fucker. Fair play if you did that though, weirdly respect that maverick ‘don’t give a fuck’ attitude. For real though, I hope you enjoyed the work (not sure if enjoy is the right word though) and I hope you go forward and give some kind of shit about the fuck load of work we have to do to achieve the Sustainable Development goals by 2030. I was inspired by my friend and fellow composer James Mcllwrath with this last piece, he gave me his copy of Greta Thunberg’s No one is too small, told me to read it, write some cheesy shit on one of the pages and pass it on. I straight up stole his wholesome ass approach, I guess passing the project on in this way makes the work literally sustainable (some fucking meta shit for you right there). It’s only collectively that we can fix this fucked up world we live in. So for fuck’s sake, make it work.

If you fancy getting in touch with me to share your responses, work together on some new responses or whatever then please feel free to get in touch. I’ll probably respond.

Partners and collaborators

Emily Abdy                    Diana Martin

James Abel                     Luke Martin

Sabiha Add                     Ethan McHale

Rory Anderson                James Mcllwrath

Peter Bell                          Jemma Norton

Helena Bowen                Donna Peel

Meiling Chen                  Joyce Peel

Emily Cowern                  Angela Qiao

Will Crawford                  Rob Roberts

Leila Hooton                    Naomi Seibt

Gareth Howell                 Andrew Toovey

Millicent James              Diana Vel

Mathew Lee Knowles    Maureen West

Hannah Liu       Kathryn Williams

Rosie Marcus     Michael Wolters

bio pic.jpg


I’m a composer, performer, installation artist and activist from Birmingham. I don’t have the accent, I’m actually from a town just outside of Birmingham, it’s just easier to say that I’m from Birmingham. I study composition at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire with Michael Wolters, Andy Ingamells and Andrew Toovey, all of them are absolute G’s and have been patient enough to put up with me for the past 4 fucking years.

I’ve written for ensembles including Decibel, RBC Alternative Orchestra, the Schubert Ensemble and the Orchestra of the Swan. Most of them were really nice to work with. I’ve also collaborated with artists such as Susan Phillipsz, Matteo Fargion, and Christoph Rodatz . My work has been performed in numerous festivals including CODA, the Flat Pack Film Festival and even in a fucking lift this one time. If you didn’t get the memo, my current body of work is directly inspired by the UN’s sustainable development goals as a result of some fucking sick volunteering I did with VSO Nigeria and Raleigh International in Costa Rica.


Peace, justice and strong institutions