Sustainable cities and communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Give purpose to waste by making it art.
Why the fuck do people leave dog shit in the poo bags on the floor? If you’ve gone to the effort to bag your pooch’s shit, why can’t you be bothered to bin it? Most of the bags are even fucking scented these days. Think about it this way, if your kid took a dump in their nappy you wouldn’t just remove said nappy and then proceed to leave the offending poo parcel on the fucking floor would you? To be honest, I don’t understand why people litter at all. Boomers will say it’s a generational thing and that it’s only chavy young people that litter but that’s not true. I was outside Euston station, eating my lunch, chilling and this middle aged cunt finished his lunch and just left all of his disposable plastic all over the table. I confronted the offending twat and asked him if he was going to throw away his rubbish, this didn’t go down too well. He proceeded to threaten my skinny white ass. Long story short I washed his crap out and recycled it responsibly. The thing that really struck me making this piece is that dog poo bags come in all sorts of colours. I’ve seen a rainbow of crap containers - yellows, reds, greens and even blues. This is the thing: capitalism has created a society where you can buy any colour of poo bag you want, compostable or not (weirdly you can choose to buy a shitter poo bag?) scented or unscented you name it, someone will have made it. We don’t need these kind of choices. We need more public bins, better waste management and cleaner parks. We can be so wasteful as musicians, so careless with our printing habits and yet we’re the first to moan on Facebook or Twitter when someone leaves fucking banana peel in a practice room. Don’t just tidy it up, give it purpose by making it into art.