Responsible consumption and production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Recycle sheet music that has been disposed of.
I spent the better part of 2019 collecting sheet music from the paper recycling bins in Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. I would kind of sneak about the practice room floors around 7pm every other night or so, looking for paper someone at some point had decided they didn’t want anymore. I amassed a huge amount of thrown away scores, teaching materials and all sorts of wonderful coffee stained (at least I hope it was coffee) sheet music. Genevieve Murphy described this part of my process as “mouse-like but in a cute way”. I often found lots of copies of the same piece and realised either some dipshit had fucked up their photocopying or a lecturer had printed off paper handouts nobody asked for and just threw away after the class. I low-key became obsessed with repurposing all of this wasted sheet music and clearly developed a reputation amongst the Conservatoire as the fucking paper police, lecturers and other students would come up and show me they were doing their bit by printing their shit onto the clean side of recycled sheet music and hopefully still do.