Climate action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Interrupt a climate denier.
Naomi Seibt has been dubbed as the ‘anti Greta’ hailed by the far right as some kind of hero in the fight against the lefty snowflakes. Yes she’s pretty - pretty fucking dangerous. She argues against the vast majority of the scientific community, at this point pretty fucking adamant that we have well and truly fucked the planet into a right state. Even if she is right and that despite decades of evidence the climate emergency being caused by our actions, what have we got to lose by fucking implementing green policies? What the fuck have we got to lose by developing alternative ways of powering our cars? If she is wrong, which she fucking is, we have everything to lose by not taking action now and fighting the climate emergency. Use your instrumental power to interrupt people that are just chatting pure shit. If not for us, for the future generations.