Affordable and clean energy

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

Use your instrument to produce clean energy.

I will never understand why people moan about wind turbines ‘spoiling the view’. I think they’re fucking beautiful. Maybe it’s a generational thing (fucking boomers) or even a class thing, although you could argue the two go hand in hand. I mean, look, you have to have a certain level of privilege to be upset about a wind turbine in your garden. Suck it up and help save the fucking planet, Karen. I should mention the elderly couple that owned this particular turbine were weirdly friendly when I asked if I could casually pop in and perform with their beloved turbine. They only asked that I wouldn’t set fire to it (perhaps they had a bad previous experience?). They invited me back whenever I want.  


Clean water and sanitation


Decent work and economic growth