Decent work and economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Create a piece that makes the economy easier to understand.
The economy isn’t real. It’s not something that’s tangible yaknow? People say we need economies because we need to describe how we make and use things, how we produce shit and how we consume shit. Why the fuck do we use how fast these abstract things grow as a measure of how successful countries are? Shouldn’t we worry more about how happy and healthy people are rather than using GDP? Who even knows what the fuck GDP is? I didn’t want to mention COVID-19 (see how I used the scary scientific name rather than just Corona to seem clever?) but why is our government currently debating ending the lock-down early to reduce the fallout for the economy? Why the fuck do we place more value in the economy than people’s lives? Next time you’re performing something, take some time in-between the Mozart and the Haydn to explain how the economy works for dummies.